Variant Management NAM User GroupJoin Ryan Bittner, Software AG Senior Principal Consultant, to discover what variants are, why they are crucial, and how to effectively use them in your processes. You can use the variant functionality to depict similar processes that differ only partially. Variants in BPM refer to different versions or adaptations of a business process tailored to meet specific needs or conditions, such as varying market requirements, regulatory environments, "as-is" and "to-be" differentiation, or customer preferences. Managing these variants effectively allows organizations to maintain consistency and control while accommodating necessary variations.

The differences between the variants and the master can be easily displayed and compared for analysis. Variants are used to create models and/or objects that "know" (have reference to) their masters through a variant relationship. This enables you to create models with variable content or to create objects with different attributes values and assignments, which are related to one another in a variant relationship.

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  • Gain Understanding: Grasp the concept of variants and their importance in process management.
  • Learn Practical Tips: Get advice on implementing and managing variants.
  • Engage in Interactive Q&A: Have all your questions answered by experts.

Whether you're a seasoned ARIS user or just getting started, this session will provide valuable insights to help you leverage variant management in your projects. 

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