
GRC trends in 2024 webinar

When delving into the realm of governance, risk and compliance management (GRC) one thing is for certain: it is never boring. The landscape is ever-evolving, with new regulations emerging and fresh topics propelling businesses to new heights. About two years ago, as the pandemic gradually waned, environment, social, and governance (ESG) took center stage as one of the hottest topics.

Fast forward to about a year ago, and with the advent of ChatGPT, AI suddenly stepped into the spotlight, now permeating every facet of our lives. Among the next big GRC topics of discussion is how various regulations around the globe will drive operational resilience. The surge in cyber-attacks and emerging risks accompanying digitalization are forcing businesses to think differently in order to protect themselves and become more resilient.

Join us in this webinar as we talk with GRC luminary Michael Rasmussen of GRC 20/20. Together, we’ll delve into the current trends in GRC and offer insights into what can be anticipated in 2024. We’ll have a closer look at AI and GRC and their untapped potential. We will examine both dimensions: AI as an enabler and supporter for enhanced risk and compliance management, and conversely, AI as an additional threat introducing new risks and compliance considerations.

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