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Object, structurally relevant

Fundamental model objects.

These are objects that indicate the distinctive feature of a model. For a model of the Organizational chart type, the objects Organizational unit, Role, and Person are structurally relevant objects, for example. Using these items, you can build the typical hierarchy of an organizational chart.

In the model of the Business process type, you can also insert the objects Organizational unit, Role, and Person. However, these objects do not constitute the distinctive feature of a business process. The Event and Activity objects are typical of a business process and are structurally relevant to a business process. You can use these to establish the typical control flow.

As already mentioned, the objects Organizational unit, Role, and Person are not structurally relevant to a process model. As structurally non-relevant objects, they serve to add more detailed information to the process model. Thus, you can insert organizational units and connect them with activities, for example, to show clearly who performs the activities.

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