I have installed ARIS architect with local database and later while trying to start 'LOCAL' facing an error "unable to run local business server". Also I found the below logs in internalerr0 file.
2020-01-27T15:57:47,939 com.idsscheer.aris.server.Exceptions - Launch failed!
com.idsscheer.aris.server.common.launch.AFatalLaunchableInitException: Launch of ARIS Lockservice failed!
at com.idsscheer.aris.server.launcher.AArisLaunchable.startup(AArisLaunchable.java:73)
....... 12 more
Caused by: com.idsscheer.dl.ls.core.AFatalInitException: timeout exceeded, cannot start database server
at com.idsscheer.dl.mapimpl.nasa.AMapping.startDatabase(AMapping.java:113)
can someone please help me in understanding this.
Thanks in advance!!!
Hi Ramya,
I am wondering what kind of system you are installing this on: The last supported operating systems for ARIS Business Architect 7.2 were Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. Both have run out of Microsoft support in January. I don't know about compatibility with later Windows systems.
Hi Zschuckelt,
Actually we used to have Windows Server 2008 R2. As it is out of support we upgraded to Windows Server 2012 R2 with ARIS 7.2. All the functionalities works fine but while trying to start 'LOCAL' facing an error "unable to run local business server".
Can someone confirm whether this is compatibility issue?
Also please let me know how can I take data from the databases present in 'LOCAL' as I am not able to open the LOCAL.
Thanks in advance.
I suggest you open a support ticket on Empower. Maybe they can confirm, if this is due to your OS upgrade. When you work with LOCAL you are not connected to the Business Server, so this is all about your client side OS. Probably they can help you with retrieving your data from LOCAL.
(... and I suggest you start planning your upgrade :-) )
a LOCAL installation at an Windows Server pc is unusual.
Normally, an ARIS Server is installed at an Windows Server and an ARIS client only is installed for maintenance purposes.
This is not an compatibility issue but maybe related to the enhanced security of Windows Server 2012 vs 2008.
Try to start the ARIS client "elevated", which means as an Administrator. Any change ?
Your error message says the client cannot start the local business server.
Is the ARIS local windows service installed and can be started manually with the control panel ?
If started manually, try to connect with the ARIS client first with LOCAL (starts service) and than with connecting to an running server without starting it.
If so, you can backup your databases now..
If it does not work, you can use the arisadm tool to backup using this method
· LOCAL has to be started manually
· "server localhost:14103 default system manager " (9.x)
· "server localhost:14900 default system manager " (10.x)
and than "backupall" and "backupsystemdb"
If nothing else works, copy the pgdata directory (contains the databases) from this installation into a fresh installation elsewhere.