
We are trying to access ARIS via the web client from outside of our domain.  The following works:

  • Accessing the ARIS Web Client web page
  • Select the ARIS tool from the web page
  • Select the database
  • Downloading the ARIS application

However, at this point it struggles to connect to the database.

  • I get a "Unable to find a server with this name.  Check the 'hosts" file on your computer or your domain name server." message when trying to connect to the computer's name.

I need to resolve this urgently can anyone help me with the solution


by Amol Patil
Posted on Fri, 11/04/2011 - 13:28

Hi Pooja,

The Web Client page request is completed by HTTP protocol using port no 80. Generally this is open. ARIS server listens on some other different port no (it is configurable). There will be some firewall or some security features in between which would be blocking the connection to ARIS server from outside domain.

Get the port opened to outside network on which ARIS server listens, from the IT Support Team. Generally if you want to access from outside company network, they would not open the port. You will need a VPN connection in this case.


Amol Patil

by André Vitor Oliveira
Posted on Sat, 11/19/2011 - 04:24

Hi Ms Pooja,

See some tips.

- Check if the service ARIS Business Server is running on the Server, if the service doesn't start  . if  you are working with Oracle or Sql. Try to check if the Service of these BD servers is running, maybe your ARIS server lost the connection between Database Server and you can't start the ABS service.

- To confirm if ARIS lost the connection, see the log files under \ARIS7.x\Server\Log and open the logs and if you have messages like "cannot to connect to database server" or "ORA-XXXX" or "error to connect to SQL server error number xxx" or "time out"... then you need to check your services and config files for ABS and DB Servers.

- To discard the possibilty of error between ABS and DB Server, you need to check if the firewall is running on the ABS Server and try to add the ports of your ARIS like 16070 for ARIS 71.

- Remeber the ARIS Web need to configure special mime types under IIS like *.java, *.CFG, *.Htm, *. html, *.*  ...

- To use outside networks you can't use NAT network and if you're not working withVPN try to use an external IP Address and use this IP to ARIS web for outside offices.


let us know your results.



André Oliveira


by Javier Zarzalejo Herraz
Posted on Mon, 11/28/2011 - 13:12

Hi Ms. Pooja

Probably web clients do not resolve the domain name of your ARIS Bussiness Server. Try to configure ABS web access to use the Host IP, by adding the following lines to the userServerSettings.cfg config file:

        <appserver name="{HostIP}"/>
        <public options="--host {HostIP}" />

It's documented in the "Server Installation and Administration Guide" (point " Solve connection problems")

Kind regards


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