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Dear Sir or Madam,

Im modeling a BPMN of our complaint management. 

My problem is that the matrix is to small (I need more place to the right to go further with the process).


Is there any possibility to make it larger? Maybe some changes in the program text? 


by Carsten Pitz
Posted on Wed, 01/04/2017 - 09:42

Dear Andrej,

what about performing a divide et conquere refactoring on your model instead.

I personally try hard to make my models fit the 7+-2-criteria (,_Plus_or_Minus_Two).

A model that fits the 7+-2-criteria leads to diagram that can be understood as a whole. Furthermore such models tend to contain elements on the same abstraction level. Another side effect the resulting diagram fit into DIN A4 or legal format documents.

So my advise is start on value chain (= CxO) abstraction level and then perform a top down refinement. Strict top down processes tend to re-invent the wheel several times. Consequently I highly advise you to build yourself a library of common sub-tasks like e.g. an approval sub-task.

Best regards


by Andrej Pawn Author
Posted on Wed, 01/04/2017 - 13:06

Dear Carsten,

thank you for your reply. The idea of the 7+-2- criteria is great when it comes to explain the process.

My target was to show the whole process without simplification. You're right when you say that the process is confusing by the amount of information in it. But that shows the complexity of the process without opening/considering several subprocesses.

The whole process contains more than 200 Tasks.  

That's the reason why i need a little bigger Matrix to finish the BPMN.

Best regards 


by Carsten Pitz
Posted on Wed, 01/04/2017 - 19:44

Dear Andrej,

for what reason you want "to show the whole process without simplification" ?

No it is not only "when it comes to explain the process", the rule also applies "when it comes to specify the process" ;-)

BTW, do you know the short story "The emperor's old clothes" by C.A.R. Hoare (Communications of the ACM, 1981). If not, please free to read it. This short story is available via 

Best regards


by Andrej Pawn Author
Posted on Wed, 01/04/2017 - 20:33

Dear Carsten, 

the target is to show the issues of the process in one diagram printed on DIN A0(with red circles).

I just want to give one big overview. 

When it comes to the explanation and optimization i already splitted the processes in "eatable" parts. 

Best regards



by Carsten Pitz
Posted on Fri, 01/06/2017 - 11:22

Dear Andrej,

maybe it is so simple, what paper size have you selected for printing?

Best regards


by Andrej Pawn Author
Posted on Sat, 01/07/2017 - 19:41

Dear Carsten, 


since I have not printed yet I have not selected a page size. 

I think that my problem would be solved trough minimal changes in the programming txt of the Interface.

Somewhere must be established how tall the Interface is.

I solved another problem trough a minimal change of txt data where i had problems with saving my BPMN as PDF.

Best regards



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