Hello Everybody,


I was wondering if someone know if it is possible to hide some objects in the publisher server.

I explain, actually, I have some models containing application system type and their object linked. And among these applications, we have 2 types, "out of operation" applications and "In operation" applications. So my question is to know if we can set some parameters , settings in order to avoid the out of operation applications to be visible after publishing in the web publisher.

In resume: I want to see all the applications in the Aris IT designer (out of operation & In operation), and I want the out of operation application to be hide in the publisher server.

I want to add that all my models of applications are into groups, so it could be great to hide all the groups containing these Out of operation applications.

I hope that It is clear.

If you have any idea to manage this, it will be very kind of you.




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