Good Morning everybody,

We are launching an ARIS BPM project in a telecommunication company. Our goals are

  • To put together enterprise key processes in a relevant  ARIS data base
  • To make ARIS process models used in all project phases 
  • To identify performance indicators in order to optimise processes

We would be pleased if you share with us some of your experiences, best practices and lessons learnt about such projects in the telecommunication sector.

Best regards.

by Tim Ruijters
Posted on Sat, 06/23/2012 - 13:27

Dear Abir,

You ask specifically for best practices and lessons learnt in the telecommunication sector.

I think, when you talk about best practices and lessons learnt the industry doesn't matter. What matters is the the organisation you work in.

So my question is, can you give some information about your organisation. How big is the BPM team? Do you work with business analists? How many? What are they working on? Have you chosen I central or decentral approach regarding BPM? Have you set up a plan to implement a BPM way of thinking? What are your goals?

A lot of questions...

I think that if you give us some answers/ tell us something about the situation. People can give beter advise.


Tim Ruijters

by Tim Ruijters
Posted on Sat, 06/23/2012 - 13:40

When you type in 'best practices BPM' in Google you see a presentation (see link below)

I think this presentation contains a lot of general best practices:

  • think big, start small
  • install a steering group
  • build momentum
  • etc...

Maybe it's also a goog idea to think about how your organisation manages the process from formulating requirements and describe processes, through building information systems > testing > implement > maintain. Is this process in place for your organisation?


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