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I want to be able to identify if a specific date in a column in a datafeed is equal to or greater than the current date and output something to a insert column or better still using the replace component in a single process if that is possible - the replace value being "Late"

Does anyone have any ideas on how to acheive this?



by Stephan Freudl
Posted on Tue, 08/23/2011 - 09:22

Hi Charles,

it is possible to filter a data feed's rows according to the current date. You may utilize the Filter values operator in your feed. The comparison value, i.e. the current date, may be injected using the Retrieve info operator.



by Charles Collins Author
Posted on Thu, 09/01/2011 - 11:05

Hi Stephan

I cant find the Retreive info operator anywhere - where is this hidden?

Also not sure this process will resolve my issue in the way described as I am looking to create a new value either in a Replace or Insert operator having compared a date in my datafeed to todays date - either equal to, greater than, less than or even maybe greater than x days and less than x days.



by Stephan Freudl
Posted on Thu, 09/01/2011 - 15:29

Very well hidden, indeed. There is a mismatch between UI and the docs. In UI the operator is called Information. But is only a matter of naming, the description is correct. In essence it looks like this.


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