Hi everyone, hope i post on the proper subforum.

i have problem when tried to backup my tenant. It said 'was not successful for application abs'. Anyone can help? Thank you.


by André Vitor Oliveira
Posted on Wed, 12/18/2019 - 13:51

Hi Ali,

Which ARIS version do you have ? ... I saw in your screen this 98.8.0 and doesn't have the complete information...

In this case we got a "Java returned: -5" code, which means a login issue. The login (user/password) is part of the backup/restore command:

backup tenant <tenant name> to <pathToBackUpFile> username=<user name of a user holding the required privileges> password=<this user's password>

restore tenant <tenant name> from <pathToBackUpFile> username=<user name of a user holding the required privileges> password=<this user's password>

1. Is it possible to login with the same user/password combination, but with another client (ARIS Architect, UMC, etc.), just to make sure the combination is the right one? (We are talking about the user/password of the tenant in question)

2. Does the user have a license assigned to it? Check it on the corresponding tenant's UMC.

3. Are the functional rights of the user sufficient for the operation? Users need the function privileges:

-Analysis administrator

-License administrator

-User administrator

-Technical configuration administrator

-Document administrator

-Process Governance administrator

-Server administrator

-Database administrator





by Ali Khaidhir Author
Posted on Tue, 12/31/2019 - 04:08

i got this error now. would you give a clue about this?

by André Vitor Oliveira
Posted on Tue, 01/14/2020 - 21:01

HI Ali,

In this case should be, for example:

backup tenant default to "c:\\backup\\MyBackup.acb" username=system password=abc12345

Let us know if was possible




by Ali Khaidhir Author
Posted on Wed, 01/15/2020 - 05:59

In reply to by André Vitor

Hi, Andre

Thank you for the help. It going further step, but in the end it still get failed. This time failed with different notations. No one using ARIS while executing this command.  Any suggestions? 

by André Vitor Oliveira
Posted on Fri, 01/24/2020 - 21:05

Hi Ali,

Sorry for delay, do you have the APG licenses and work with this ? ... maybe the APG sizing is zero...If you have the APG could try to do the tenant backup only for this runnable using the command:

*     This ACC command adds only APG into the backup: 
                - set acc config backup.restore.tenant.app.types = APG

If still have issues, in this case the logs will be helpful and you can try to check them on the work_apg_x ( x=sizing )




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