I need to grant aris connect view access to 100 users from my organization. I have an excel sheet withe list of all users, but it takes a lot of time giving access when using access management of aris admin. rather than doing so is there any way to grant access by importing the list of users at once?

by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Tue, 11/28/2023 - 20:11

Dear Abhinav,

I assume you either have console access to the computer where ARIS Server is running, or you have ARIS Server installed on your local computer using your test licenses.

In folder C:\SoftwareAG\ARIS10.0\server\bin\work\work_umcadmin_m\tools\bin you will find the built-in batch y-tenantmgmt.bat. It offers more than 30 functions to manage ARIS User Management from the command line. Open ARIS Technical Help for more information about y-tenantmgmt.bat.

You could use a batch script for creating new user accounts and assigning license privileges 

@echo off
REM Set initial parameters
set NewUsers=users.txt
set Server=https://YourARISserver.YourDomain
set Tenant=default
set SuperInitialUserPassword=superuser
set InitialUserPassword=manager123

REM Process the input file
for /f  "skip=1 tokens=1,2,3,4,5 delims=;" %%a in (%NewUsers%) do (
   call y-tenantmgmt.bat -s %Server% -t %Tenant% createUser -au %%a -af %%b -al %%c -ae %%d -ap %InitialUserPassword% -u superuser -p %SuperInitialUserPassword%
   call y-tenantmgmt.bat -s %Server% -t %Tenant% assignLicense -au %%a -l %%e -u superuser -p %SuperInitialUserPassword%

The file users.txt could be formatted like this:

User login;First name;Last name;E-Mail;License privilege
"John Doe";"John";"Doe";"";YCSCC



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