Profile picture for user Alexandra.Schneider-Strempel


In this tutorial, we will show you how to edit your ARIS Cloud  Profile and how to change your ARIS Cloud Password.

Step I: Click on your name in the page header and select My profile:

Step II: Click Edit on the right to modify your user profile:

Important hint:

It is recommended to change your password after your first login.

To do so, activate the checkbox Change password:

Enter a new password and confirm it. When you ‘ re done:

  • click Save to store your changes or
  • click Cancel to abort

Process Live save or cancel button

If you want to add or to change your profile picture, click on Change picture and upload your favorite photo:

Process Live upload user profile picture

After the uploading process is finished, your picture is saved automatically in your profile.

Step III: Click Portal on the top to close your user profile.


Now you know how to edit your ARIS Cloud Profile and how to change your ARIS Cloud Password.

by Meike Gansert
Posted on Tue, 07/08/2014 - 15:45

Hallo zusammen,


ich habe mich bei der Regstrierung falsch angemldet. Bei Dateizugriff habe ich "only your" gewählt, anstatt "Company". Jetzt kann ich die Datein nicht an den richtigen Ort ohne Umwege speichern.


Kann man das korregieren ?


Vielen Dank


by Marie Heil
Posted on Tue, 07/08/2014 - 16:32

Hallo Meike

wo genau haben sie denn diese Einstellung vorgenommen?



by J L
Posted on Tue, 11/13/2018 - 12:00

How do you change your user name?


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