Ao executar a configuração de instalação do aris 10.1, o erro 5006 é exibido.
Código de erro: -5006: 0x800700b7
Informações de erro:
> SetupNew \ setup.cpp (591)
PAPP: Servidor ARIS
PVENDOR: Software AG
PGUID: 73D50529-B870-4B95-AA46-65F9B062EB35
@Windows 7 / Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 0 (9200)
IE Versão: 9.11.14393.0
Alguém pode ajudar ?!
Olá Alexandre,
As your error happens already while the setup program is starting up, I recommend to first check whether your setup is completely downloaded. To install ARIS need at least the folders ARIS_Server + Setup_Data.
Next thing is whether an antivirus software is blocking the start of the InstallShield. If possible, turn it off at least temporarily, or exclude the folder from where you start the setup.