Hi Team,

I was going through this thread and found it very interesting. I have been working on ARIS 7 all these years and now my client is planning an upgrade to ARIS 9. I have not seen the product in detail yet but would like to ask you a simple question. Having had a significant experience in working with ARIS 7 would my transition to ARIS 9 be smooth as well? Do people who have worked with ARIS 7 find it easy to work with ARIS 9 as well? Looking forward to your expert views.



by M. Zschuckelt
Posted on Wed, 03/16/2016 - 16:19

Hello Amiyangshu,

by the way of working with the Designer/Architect clients you will find your way around quickly. The general concepts have not changed. The look and feel is more modern with the menu bars similar to the style of MS Office. A lot of functions have come "closer to you" this way. If your customer switches to the new symbol palette it will take a little getting used to them, but then they are very neat to work with. The pictograms help you understand better than "another oval shape with some straight line across" or whatever variations of geometric shapes there were in ARIS 7.

Regards, M. Zschuckelt

by Joseph Malkin
Posted on Sat, 04/09/2016 - 00:46

The transition is pretty straight forward. Databases, filters and templates from 7.x come right into 9.x. You will only find issue with custom created objects and attributes, in my experience. The user interface is different but intuitive. An experienced 7.x user will have a good handle after a day of poking around. The real beauty is the user management of ARIS 9. Gone are the days of managing license keys in an excel file. User management is handled in a central location and licenses can simply be turned on and off, no more keys. You can also quickly see how many of your purchased licenses are used, giving you a good heads up when you may want to consider more. Now that your organization is looking at ARIS 9, make sure to see a demo of ARIS Connect. Its basically Facebook for process at your organization. You can collaborate/view process content without having to have a workshop. Time zone and geographical barriers become a thing of the past. Connect also gives the end user several ways to digest process content.      


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