I’m a little confused how to backup an entire system. I know you can backup databases with:
arisadm.sh -s <host:port> -t default -u system <password> backup all /ARIS/backup
But you can also do this in acc:
set acc config backup.restore.tenant.app.types = ABS
force backup tenant default to "/ARIS/backup/" username="system" password="password "
Option 1 is only databases. What about other components like reports, filters methods etc?
Option 2, I don’t quite know what it contains yet but it takes a long time so something useful:-)
With option 2, I can also include other components:
set acc config backup.restore.tenant.app.types = UMC, OCT, ECP, ADS, ABS
So my question is, what is the right approach to backup absolutely everything in ARIS 9.8.x?