Hello Everybody!

Wanted to ask if there is a possibility in ARIS Connect to customize the landing page based on different databases. We want to configure different entry points for different databases in the same enterprise. What kind of effort would this imply (short term and long term).



by Donna Lake
Posted on Wed, 05/25/2016 - 18:38

Anda please keep me post if you get this to work tks

by Zdenek Kocourek
Posted on Tue, 05/31/2016 - 07:55


There is very low chance to do it by standard means of configuration (editing of XML files). ARIS Connect customization is carry out by XML files and it does not support to put in any conditions e.g. in case of DB 1 use other (other part of) XML settings. ARIS Connect is very flat way how to display content In general.

To reach your wanted state means to make very hard experiment and almost to hack this environment = to develop own java/javascript logic for landing page and from ARIS gather data from the its native core components. Truly sad it is very very risk business.

We did couple hard Connect customizations, but this is really challenge (risk).




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