Hello, I would like to know how I can import a model from ARIS EXPESS to ARIS IT ARCHITECT 7.2? I tried to import with filter as entire method and following the steps as image bellow but I couldn´t import with the right structure. The box colors, symbols, and configuration come same as ARIS EXPRESS, it did not change to ARIS ARCHITECT 7.2 structure.  Can someone help me in this matter? Thanks!      




by Vincent Renard
Posted on Thu, 07/18/2013 - 15:09


can you be more occurate about your problem ?

aris express and aris business architect have slightly different metamodels and symbols.

depending on the number of models you have to import, its better to re-design models

kind regards

by Aleksandr Kotikov
Posted on Wed, 12/25/2013 - 09:14

Dear Andres,

you need to change Current Model Template at Model Properties Window from ARIS Express to Standard (sorry for russian interface on image).

The only problem is that Deafault Object Symbol in ARIS Explorer Tree stays as ARIS Express object symbol. You need to change it manually at Object Properties Window. 


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