Yesterday we had got a problem with loadbalancer service of Aris. One widows sevice locked 80 port after restarting OS. We solved that problem, but got other. Users cannot access to Aris with Aris Architect & Designer 9.8. They receive a message "Unable to find tenant".
With admin utility -tenantmgmt.bat -t default getTenant
We get next information
Connected to User Management at end point 'http://servername/umc' for tenant 'default'.
Getting information about tenant...
ATenant{id=default, name=default, locked=true}
acc command "list tenants for services" shows
Tenant assignments for Service apgengine0000000000 (Type APGENGINE):
No tenants assigned.
Tenant assignments for Service couchdb0000000000 (Type COUCHDB):
Tenant assignments for Service db0000000000 (Type DB):
Tenant assignments for Service elasticsearch0000000000 (Type ELASTICSEARCH):
No tenants assigned.
Tenant assignments for Service loadbalancer0000000000 (Type LOADBALANCER):
No tenants assigned.
Tenant assignments for Service postgresql-ecp0000000000 (Type POSTGRESQL_ECP):
Tenant assignments for Service rs0000000000 (Type RS):
Compare with other Aris server shows that default tenant is unassigned to APGENGINE service.
We made assign default tenant to APGENGINE service, but it could not help.