I have one model which is having one function entities in it.
I want to extract all objects that are connected to function(sub process activity) entitiy
like:- bussiness rules, Application system type etc.
I used below mentioned constants.EDGE_OUT for extracting all activity which are connected to function with outer edge. I tried this in a different model it is working fine.
Now which constant name I have to use to extract "Application System Type" and "Business Rule" which is connected to function using a plain line(like- supports and describess).
please help me guys....
it's very urgent....
var connList = occlist[obj_count].Cxns(Constants.EDGES_OUT);
Hi Ankit,
If you are working on Occurrences you can have a look at this fundtion. I find it the easiest to use:
getConnectedObjOccs ( int[] aSymbolTypes, int direction )
occ.getConnectedObjOccs ([Constants.ST_BUSINESS_RULE, Constants.ST_ORG_UNIT_1], Constants.EDGES_INOUT);
I hope this helps :)