I am testing the Smart Design functionalty in ARIS Express for business process modelling and would like to ease and accelerate it by getting process inputs directly from excel tables with the same five column format (process flow, process roles, input and output documents, IT systems).

Here my questions:

- (how) can I import an excel table, call the Smart Design function and have the model automatically visualized?

- (how) can I copy the content of an excel table and paste it into the Smart Design table and have the model visualized?


- (how) is it possible to insert rules (AND; OR; XOR) in the table and have the process embranchments automatically designed?

- (how) can I use a (visualized) model and return to a table for completion or amendments?

Many thanks for your Inputs!

by Frank Weyand
Posted on Wed, 01/27/2010 - 11:39


there are some possibilities to import Excel data into the ARIS Business Architect, but 1.) this does not consider SmartDesign, and 2.) is not possible in Express.

So an import from Excel into SmartDesign is not possible. You can directly copy the objects from Excel itsself into an Express model.

Since rules would break the flow of a process in two or more paths, it is not possible to model this in SmartDesign. Example: if you have a rule, having two paths as successor, you can call the SmartDesign on both paths after rule independently.

The SmartDesign itself is a method to capture the data direct in the modeling tool. It is currently not meant to have any data exchange. This is still an idea on our list, but not planned yet.

Best regards,



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