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Hi All,

My problem scenario goes this way:

We have been synchronizing our ARIS Db with solman successfully for quite some time. Now we are migrating to new servers. The Solman server is also moved. On the new server, The solman team created a test template project ZTA01 and copied the original contents of template project (TA01) which was in use for sync from the existing  solman server to the new solman server. As they could not do the transport. (Later they would make copy of the project and name it as TA01 same as before on the new server for Production)

In Order to synchronise the existing ARIS DB ( which is already sychronised with TA01) with new Project Template ZTA01,

The Steps I took  

1.       Transferred the ZTA01 Project from Solman to ARIS  (the ARIS DB already has a synchronised Project TA01 in one of the folder)

This was successfully done. As I didn’t receive any error message.

However when I checked the folder structure of both the projects I see that some contents are missing in the ZTA01 Project Folder (But the missing Processes can be seen in Solman).

2.       Then I performed the synchronisation with the ZTA01 Project.

I dint’t receive any error message.

But I see the same contents missing

Please find attached the screenshot.

So then I deleted the SAP IDs from the original db and then again Synchronised with ZTA01 Project.

However the result is the Same.

I am unable to find the reason of these missing contents in ARIS. Also I do not get any error message.

Is there any steps I need to perform or Ask the Solman Team to do in order to have all the contents Like we had it earlier when the Synchronisation was performed with TA01.

The Synchronisation earlier with TA01 on old server took 4hrs, But with ZTA01, it was completed in 50 minutes. I believe something is missing, or somewhere I am going Wrong.

I would appreciate any help on this, as I am new to ARIS- SOLMAN synchronisation.


Thanks & Regards,



Posted on Tue, 09/25/2012 - 18:39

Hi Anupama,

Will check the above issue and reply.

We have a different issue. We have ARIS 7.2 Business Architect loaded in a laptop.

When we select SAP --> Transfer Project an error message is showing "Logon error. Please register the server ("View>Options> SAP Options select Server") or Delete the SAP Server attribute in order to use the default server.

When checked the SAP Options Select server system shows a screen for "path to saplogon.ini".
When searched the same system shows "C:\User\200796\AppData\SAP\Common\". saplogon.ini is a hidden file. Entered the path and tried. Still the we get the same error.
Kindly share your feed back.

by Anita Halse
Posted on Thu, 10/18/2012 - 23:54

Hi Ananda,


Have you registered the server under options in ARIS:




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