Hi All,
After completing the installation of ARIS server, the system tried to start but it failed and included the following error in the log file:
Ping to http://localhost:14400/abs/static/com.softwareag.copernicus.plugins.publishing.PublishingPlugin/clear.cache.gif failed!
2018-09-09 15:55:33,273|INFO |Runnable state monitoring thread abs_m| com.aris.prov.agent.plugin.base.RunnableStateMonitoringThread.abs_m - Ping level 2 ping failed.
Any help is appreciated
Im also encounter this problem
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/09/25 22:25:55 | 2018-09-25 22:25:55,715|INFO |Runnable state monitoring thread abs_m| com.aris.prov.agent.plugin.WebappPlugin.abs_m - Ping to http://localhost:14400/abs/static/com.softwareag.copernicus.plugins.publishing.PublishingPlugin/clear.cache.gif failed!
INFO | jvm 1 | 2018/09/25 22:25:55 | 2018-09-25 22:25:55,715|INFO |Runnable state monitoring thread abs_m| com.aris.prov.agent.plugin.base.RunnableStateMonitoringThread.abs_m - Ping level 2 ping failed.
My machine having this requirements
32GB RAM and 100GB disk space.
Can someone help us on this issue. very much appreciated!
Dear Ferdz,
Our forums are not the appropriate place to resolve technical issues. For getting help, please open a support ticket via our customer portal Empower and its eService: https://empower.softwareag.com/eservice
They will ask you for the ARIS Server log files. You can attach the resulting ZIP file on the ticket after creating it via C:\SoftwareAG\ARIS10.0\support\collectLogFiles.bat.
And in case you've just installed ARIS, and it didn't start up at all, then please also attach the ARIS Server setup log files (ARIS_Install.log + ARIS_Install_full.log), located in folder %temp%.