
I'm trying to run the "Show Solution Manager blueprint" function in ARIS, but getting a "Java Connector Error: Error".  I've followed the "Make SAP Java Connector (SAPJCO) available for transactions/customizing" from the Admin Guide, and installed sapjco.jar 2.1.9.

I'm testing the functionality on a client installed on the ARIS server:

Windows Server 2003, R2(32 bit) ; ARIS

 Am I missing something obvious?  I've looked through the other posts on the topic, but can't see anything that I missed.




by Sascha Ding
Posted on Wed, 06/30/2010 - 16:20

Hi Johan,

there are a couple of things that you have to do that the ARIS SAP Connectivity works:

1. Copy the sapjco.jar to the folder '%installdirectory%\ARIS7.1\JavaClient\lib\'.

2. Copy the SAP JCO dll's (librfc32.dll and sapjcorfc.dll) to the folder '%windir%\system32\'.

3. Execute the '%installdirectory%\ARIS7.1\JavaClient\lib\lsapjco.jar' which gets you informations about the SAP JCO. To execute the sapjco.jar you can use  the console command "C:\Programme\ARIS7.1\JavaClient\jre\bin\java -jar C:\Programme\ARIS7.1\JavaClient\lib\sapjco.jar"!

The next picture shows a sapjco.jar information dialog screenshot of a well configured sapjco:

4. Restart the ABA client and try to run the "Show Solution Manager blueprint" function.

That the "Show Solution Manager blueprint" works is it necessary that the SAP GUI is installed and works. Therefore it is the best to login to the Solution Manager from this client and try to open the same project.

I hope it works ;-))) If it should not work then it is the best if you post a screenshot from the sapjco information dialog.

Best regards,


by Johan Schoeman Author
Posted on Thu, 07/01/2010 - 12:38

Hi Sascha

Thanks very much for the help.  However, we did the steps that you described again and still get the same message when trying to run the "Show Solution Manager blueprint" function.  Here's a screen capture of the sapjco information dialog.

Thanks again.



by Sascha Ding
Posted on Thu, 07/01/2010 - 14:24

Hi Johan,

it seem that the SAP JCO environment is correct.

Do you use an installed version or the download version of ARIS?

If you use the download version of ARIS then you have to use a other SAP JCO configuration.

Do the transaction start or the "Show Solution Manager configuration" function works?

Is it possible to run the transaction 'solar01' to the same project on the Solution Manager on this system with the SAP front end?

Please post screenshots from ARIS ABA with the JCO error message dialog, the SAP Server configuration and the explorer tree with the function on which you try to start the blueprint functionality.

Best regards,



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