Hello everybody,

I'm looking for some resources about the application collaboration diagram.

Turtorials, documentation, How to guides, something like this.

Does anybody know if something is existing somewhere?

I couldn't find anything useful so far.

Thanks in advance for helping!

by Ralf Angeli
Posted on Thu, 12/14/2023 - 17:02

There is some info about it in the ARIS Method Help. You can access it from ARIS Architect by clicking on the question mark at the top right of the window. In the browser click on "ARIS Method" then on "Open ARIS Method help" after that navigate to "Model types > A > Application collaboration diagram".

You will also find something about it in the help for Enterprise Architecture Management. In order to access this, go back to the page that was opened after clicking on the question mark in ARIS Architect. Then click on "Help". In the page that is opened, navigate to "Special topics and functions > Enterprise Architecture Management > Enterprise Architecture > Application architecture > IT system architecture". In the page that opens, search for "Program Flow Chart". That's how the model type was named in the old days.


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