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Hi, I am a newbie to ARIS reporting - I'm only at the point where I use the WYSIWYG editor.

Two questions - I have to prepare a report where we have assignments. I'd like to be able to display this in the report similar to the way I can display attribute values - is there a way to do this without resorting to scripting?

Secondly - we've got links to images in the models. I know how to display the model graphic itself & I can display the link in a table, but would like to add the image itself instead of just the link. Any way to do this without resorting to scripting?

And then something which will probably help me to stop asking obvious questions - where do I find details around the functions available in scripting (like an API guide or something similar)?




by Abhijit Das
Posted on Fri, 08/19/2011 - 07:21

Hi Willem,

Let me reiterate what you have asked

1. I beleive what you are asking here is to get all the assignments coming from objects used in a model. As Assignments is placed on object(specifically ConnectableDef) to Model you can get the assignment by .AssignedModels() method of object definition. There are few varities of this method which even takes parameter model type.

2. So far I know you can not get the image itself on the report if the image is a link image . As the image is not not in ARIS the API can not get that. It does not have the capability of fetching the link object. At least I do not know. (Please let me know if anyone knows about it).


Abhijit Das


by Francois Du Toit
Posted on Mon, 08/22/2011 - 09:36

Hi Willem,

Mr Abhijit is correct, you can output the Assignments by looking at the Object Def...

As far as the images is concerned, you can't use the Wizard for this. There is a way to get linked images in a report, but you will have to code it...

All the class structures is available under the script Help in ARIS.


Francois du Toit


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