thank you for reminding me how much Java is a pain in the a**.
I'm trying to get it to run on my linux laptop. I have used the openjdk6 from my distros
repo but when I get to the screen where I can open or create certain modells it just doesn't
do anything when I click on them. Since i start it from terminal with javaws express.jplnp I can see
it throws some stupid Java Exceptions that one one will ever figure out because the output is like 10 miles long. It begins with something like AWT blablabal. It posts this everytime I click on something to ge to the modelling screen.
So I got rid of openjdk6 and installed propritary Java from the Oracle Website.
Result that it is now even more of a pain in the as* to start becaue I had to disable secuirty features just to get to the login screen. From time to time it then fails while loading saying "Beim Einrichten der Serverumgebung ist ein Fehler aufgetreten". After deleting everything and clearing the cache it finally started up (even tough the graphics look glitched out see attachment). But the problem is still the same. Might aswell be easier to program a native OSX and linux client than programming this horrible java bullshit.Which version of Linux are you using?
I made some tests with ARIS Express on Ubuntu and Linux Mint.
I recommend to use the Java 7 version from Oracle.
Only this java version has a good Java Web Start support.
run javaws -viewer to show the Java Control Panel. Here you can set a proxy server if this is needed.
In on case I had to disable Mixed code verification in the security settings of the Java Control Panel to make it work.
But I also had some graphical problems under the tested Linux systems.
However, I think it's still possible to work with ARIS Express under Linux, though it's not as good as under Windows.
It's very likely that you have the problem that ARIS Express wants to download on every startup.
So please check this:
I think it's not a big deal for you to modify your hosts file.