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What experiences has the community had managing the links for RWD uPerform end-user documentation within an ARIS business process hierarchy? Of chief concern are:

  • Choosing the level of document linkage
  • Maintenance strategies / governance in a live environment
  • Implications when synchronized with an SAP Solution Manager Project
by Angela Walsh
Posted on Mon, 11/15/2010 - 15:39

I would like to find out more about how you have done this.  My email address is

I look forward to speaking with you.

by Ira Miller
Posted on Thu, 04/07/2011 - 21:30

I, too, am working on an engagement where work instructions are kept in uPerform and I am being asked if we can hyperlink from our Business Process models in ARIS to those work instructions.  Has it been done?

Thank you.

by Brian Toops
Posted on Thu, 04/07/2011 - 23:03

Hello all, great topic to dicuss!

This is one option we are investigating...

We sync ARIS with Solution Manager (SolMan) and have started to link uPerform documents to the process hierarchy in SolMan. As long as you specify a document type in SolMan for the uPerform documents, you can sync that document type back into ARIS and attach it to your FAD at the Scenario, Process or Process Step, levels of your hierarchy. Once it is synced back to ARIS, if you have setup the ability for users to open SolMan documentation via ARIS Publisher, Designer and Architect, then you should be able to open the documents right from the model (FAD).

If you don't sync ARIS with SolMan, I would think you could use an object type of "Information Carrier" and specify the link in one of the attributes? Then attach the object to the associated function on your VACD, EPC or FAD.

As many of IDSS's buttons say, I'm not a BPM expert by any means, but hopefully this gives some ideas for thought.


Brian Toops

Cargill, Inc.

ARIS System Analyst

by Nicole Pope
Posted on Wed, 06/22/2011 - 18:11

Has there been any update on the best practice for linking uPerform, UPK, or other standard operating procedures within an ARIS business process hierarchy? Is the timing of the linkage later in the project - after the creation and publication of the documentation?



Nicole Pope

by Ira Miller
Posted on Wed, 06/22/2011 - 19:39

From my perspective, all related documentation, process or otherwise, is linked to the same change request.  Thus, I would have finished my process documentation until I have linked my procedures.  Although the alignment of procedures does not always fall neatly with a function on a business process, my preference is to decompose my business processes to a level where a single function can only be executed by a single person type.  The link to the procedures (I found uPerform works fine) would be from the Function Allocation Diagram that supports the single function.  That's what works for me.


Ira Miller

by Ganesh J
Posted on Wed, 06/29/2011 - 08:10

Thanks Brian, great input!

I was wondering if it was possible to have uPerform simulations (Flash files), process documents via a DMS and the process model via the ARIS BP interface? So its sort of a one stop shop for all your training needs.

So rather than having hyperlinks in an attribute in the "information carrier" object, perhaps a separate window to host the uPerform hierarchy and simulations from within ABP. Just a thought that I'm pondering over at the moment.




by Ellen Kahler
Posted on Wed, 07/13/2011 - 19:30

We are storing Process documents (word documents, etc. in Documentum, our global document storage) and adding the link from Documentum as a model attribute (System Attribute) and the link from uPerform on a Function using Link 2 of System Attributes.

These links are published to the Publisher server and are available to all global users from our Employee portal.  Employees do not need Solman, uPerform or Aris licenses to view the current process model, documentation and training.

These process documents are also available to other areas of the employee portal to meet other requirements such as our BOS requirements and the the same documents are reused.


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