Hey, I need help in the following topic, pls help, if u have any idea:
During a recent project (developing the integrated control system) my company encountered some important errors and problems while transporting a database in .XML format from ARIS Business Architect (version 7.2) to ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager (version 4.1).
I have two major questions:
· After exporting the database in .XML format from ARIS Business Architect, we tried to import the file in ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager and got the following error message: „General error”. Normally we should get an error message containing detailed information about the error (which object, connection etc. causes the migration problem). We were using the original ARCM database (ARCM_conventions.adb) and the correct report (ARCM_Export_RBA), so the import process should finish without errors. Dou you have any idea what causes the problem?
· We also have a question concerning the attributes of the „Risk” object. We use the „ARCM-attribute maintenance_RBA” macro to maintain the attributes and we’d like to know, if the elements of a drop-down list or a check box can be modified. Example:
o Currently the „Impact” attribute of the „Risk” object has the following values:
§ Minor/insignificant
§ Moderate
§ Critical
§ Catastrophic/fundamental
o Our question: is it possible to modify the elements of the list? For example, if we’d like to use only three categories (Minor/Moderate/Major), can we somehow change the values?
Could you please help me answering the above-mentioned questions?
Thanks in advance!