Hello everybody,

We are building a process repository designed to maintain generic roles for SAP. The structure is simple :

  • In each EPC we have linked each SAP fonction to a person type ;
  • Assigned to the SAP fonctions, we have a function allocation diagram with the transactions linked to the related SAP fonction.
  • In the organization view, we have in an organizational chart, the map of the different generic roles : position type linked to the different person types.

I tried to create a WYSIWYG report to export in a single excel spreadsheet the tree of the generic roles :

Position type - person type - SAP fonction - transactions.

It seems that it is not possible with a WYSIWYG report. In the other hand, i did not found any report giving to me this type of report.

Could you please show me the good way to prepare the correct script (I am still a beginner in java scripting..)

In advance thank you very much,


by Bruno MARIA Author
Posted on Tue, 10/11/2011 - 20:07

No idea ? I thought it was a banal kind of need...


by Bruno MARIA Author
Posted on Sat, 11/05/2011 - 10:33

Finally I found a solution with a WYSIWYG report : I used embedded queries to collect data that are not on the same model. The excel sheet generated is fine.

by J Mark Robertson
Posted on Fri, 07/06/2012 - 01:27

In reply to by VladoB

I am working with a similar issue and have been working all day on trying to generate a report.  Can you please share how you accomplished this with embedded queries.


by Anosh Mehdi
Posted on Tue, 03/06/2012 - 12:33

Hey Bruno,

I am also working on a similar report. It would be great if you could share your report/script.

Thanks and Regards,

Anosh Mehdi


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