I have an issue in a javascript report : this report creates a Word document where attributes link of object are displayed.
The result is correct except when the link refers to a lotus notes document.
Example : the link 1 attribute is populated with :
In the word document, the link does not work : the link address generated is : #_Ref01.
Here is the code I use :
if(!p_sProcess.listeObjectives[iOcc].linkName.equals("")){ this.oOutput.OutputF(" ","TEXT_DOC_JUSTIFY"); this.oOutput.OutputLinkF(p_sProcess.listeObjectives[iOcc].linkName + "\n", p_sProcess.listeObjectives[iOcc].link,"TEXT_LINK");
where "p_sProcess.listeObjectives[iOcc].link" represents the string of the link address.
Do you have a solution to solve this issue ?
In advance thank you very much for your help,