Hi there
We have ARIS Design and Publisher 9.8 servers running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Our database connection details have changed due to a DB upgrade and we need to point the Design Server and Publisher Server to these new DB's (hostnames have changed).
What is the easiest way to change existing DB connectivity details on ARIS? ACC is problematic because it requires zookeeper instances, which also require repositories which are not available remotely anymore.
Is there a way to edit config files directly on the servers to reflect these new DB connectivity details?
Hi Pieter,
You can only change it from the ACC.
To do so, you can start only the zookeeper runnable (start zoo.. ) then update the db service this way:
update external service db0000000000 url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@<server>:<port>:<sid>" driverClassName="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver" username="<user>" password="<password>" maxIdle=15 maxActive=100 maxWait=10000 removeAbandoned=false removeAbandonedTimeout=600 logAbandoned=true defaultAutoCommit=false rollbackOnReturn=true host=<server> port=<port> jmxEnabled=true validationQuery="select 1 from dual" testOnBorrow=true
You can list the services to get the correct dbid: list external services
Hope this helps...
Hi Didier,
The abovementioned refers.
Zookeeper is not a listed runnable in ARIS Publisher.
The command string given, is the same that we used to update a similar change, but, the string is not applicable to ARIS Publisher, could you please supply the command string used in ACC for Publisher.
Hello ! I have the same problem.
The database host will be changed but I don't knwown how to change the Aris runnables "zoo_l, couchdb_l, cloudsearch_l, elastic_l, adsadmin_l, umcadmin_l, loadbalancer_l, abs_l, copernicus_l and octopus_l" to point to new database host.
Can You please help me with the ACC command lines to change runnables to new database host ?