I am looking for an ARIS scripting example for deleting a polygon from a model.
I am looking for an ARIS scripting example for deleting a polygon from a model.
This is for a report not a macro, correct? If you have already grabbed the GfxObj, all you have to do is use "gfxObj.Remove()" to remove it from the model.
Hi there, I have the same problem.
With the command "gfxObj.Remove()" it does not work. I get the Objects with "oModel.getGfxObjects()". Actually i work with Service-Release 04. Does this work only with newer Versions?
This method API was new in Service Release 05. Once we upgraded I was able to use the Remove() method for gfxObj.
Thanks for this information. We actually testing the latest service-release. so i will test i there.