I have two tables and there is a common value in each to allow a join. Table one (data feed - one) has been a numeric value on each row. I can produce the sum (grouped on the common value) in a MashApp for each on the tables seperatly. When I try and join these using Combine or Concatatate even though I have over time to resolve this produced a series of datafeeds to filter out all the columns that should just produce a sum at the high level (the common value) but my MashApp still produces the result at row level - why?
Any ideas?
I have a data feed that has many rows containing numeric data and also a column that contains a link key to another table (tata feed) that only holds that key at a single row level (many to one retalinship).
In a MashApp I can sum those many rows as a single row which is fine
I am doing the same with two other tables (data feeds) of a similar structure and that is fine too
My issue is that when I try and join the two speperate datafeeds that also have a common key the result in a MashApp is to revert in part back to the single row level and not the summary level I guess because it is the MashApp that perform the Sum and not the data feed. If I could get the sum in each of the datafeeds in a new column probably then that might solve the multiple row issue
Hope that helps
Could you please provide a screenshot of the feed definition. This would help to understand your explanation better.
I think, you have to adjust the options of the JOIN operator (here you can adjust how the 1:many relationship should be handled.
Best regards,
I am sorry if I have not explained it clearly enough. I am new to MashZone so dont know how to post datafeeds or the screenshots as requested - so will try and make it clearer below.
The bottom line is the need to take the sum generated from two datafeeds that have been joined on a common field in a one to many join. To then join that from the results of another data feed that also has the same join structure. I am therfore using 4 raw datafeeds. Because I only know how to sum each set of two datafeeds in a MashApp - and when linking all 4 datafeeds the results in my final MashApp produces a sum at row level whereas I want to see the summary for each key ID only.
I will explain the structure in some detail
- One of the summary data datafeeds, Column 1 has an ID title, Column 2 has a description title.
- On the datafeed I have in the ID column a row with a 1 and a row with a 2, and a different dedscription on each of the rows.
- Ina seperate rows datafeed I have Column 1 with a ID title, Column 2 has a Line number title and Column 3 has a Qty title.
- On row 1 I have ID 1, Line number 1, and Qty 36
- On row 2 I have ID 1, Line number 2, and Qty 21
- On row 3 I have ID 1, Line number 3, and Qty 47
- On row 4 I have ID 2, Line number 1, and Qty 33
- On row 5 I have ID 2, Line number 2, and Qty 22
- I have another 2 datafeeds of the same structure but different ID's and Qtys
- On the first two datafeeds the sum of the rows should show ID 1 as a sum total of 104 and ID 2 sum total of 53 - i.e. two rows only.
- When joined with the results of the next two data feeds using the description as the common key I want to see the following
- Column 1, row 1 = ID = 1
- Column 2, row 1 = Description = FIRST
- Column 3, row 1 = Qty 104
- Column 4. row 1 = Qty (total of Description one's (FIRST) sum for the other two datafeeds)
- Repeat calculations on row two
- If I had three or more rows in the first set of datafeeds that did not have a link to the second set on the Description column then on those rows there would only be data in the first three columns as detailed above
I hope that helps - please let me know how to post datafeeds and screenshots as I may need to do this still for this query or for any others
Ah, now I see. For each id/description row there are multiple id/line number/qty ones in the second feed. As Markus indicated, you need the combine data feeds operator to bring both together as depicted below.
Please note, the aggregation operator is optional, you may specify such settings when assigning the feed to a chart.
Many thanks to you both, that has resolved the issue.
Using the results from two sets of data feeds into a final datafeed used by my MashApp table did require the aggregation operator - it was not optional but mandatory because when I used the sum option in the assign data process (this is what I was origionaly doing) it delivered multiple rows - whereas using the aggregation operator in the final combined datafeed it did not - which is what I was trying to acheive
Thanks again