

I have installed ARIS Mashzone in one of my server and I have started all the runnables, but while loggin into Mashzone I'm getting "Operational Timed out" error message. Below is the link I tried to login.



Can anyone tell me why I'm facing this issue?




Chethan Rao.


by André Vitor Oliveira
Posted on Tue, 08/30/2016 - 21:10

Hi Chethan,

In general I could say that some ports are blocked by firewall or other program like antivirus.

Check the if you have something in middle between server and clients which could block these ports.

Also look at the log files of MZ to know more details and the folder are like..

ppmmashzone\server\bin\work\work_loadbalancer_m\httpd\logs ( here could has some information about blocked ports )

ppmmashzone\server\bin\work ( navigate to subfolders and check the logs information )

If you want share part of logs here...


André Oliveira



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