I am relatively new to the ARIS 7.1 toolset and am serving as the system administrator. We have been using the tool for approximately 5 months with a user base of approximatley 20 modelers.
Today, we had a few users who attempted to login (2 through Business Designer, 1 through Business Architect) and they are prompted with an error message stating:
"Your client id is being used on different computers. Please delete the 'cid.bin' file from the '%userprofile%/ARIS71' directory."
After clicking 'OK' on the error message window, another error message displays stating:
"Please use a different license key because the current one is already being used by another client."
After clicking 'OK' on the error message window, another window displays allowing for the entry of another license key.
I appreciate any guidance you can provide.
HI Chris,
As you can see in your screenshots, the ARIS says that there is another user using the same license key and is not possible to duplicate the key for users.
You need to check your ARIS Server Key to know how many users can do a login thru ARIS Client.
Open the file setupServerSetting.cfg from \\program files\ARIS7.1\Server\Config
use a Notepad to see the license key line which starts with <licenseservice key=" .....
here you have all the code of license key then look at something like U20 ( 20 users )...
e.g. <licenseservice key="S999999-Banco da praça S/A-V70svU52 .... --> 52 is a quantity of users that can use the ARIS server in sametime with differentes keys...
But if you have 30 users in Server license key but there is only 20 modelers using ARIS Client, maybe some user session is locked in Server Service.
To looking for who is locked you need to open the ARIS Site Administrator which you find in ARIS Server Machine and open using the command server + nameof server + password then use the commando "sessions" to see who are using the Server in meantime.
If there are two users using the same Key, then you can "terminate" the duplicate session..
Best Regards,
André Oliveira
Hello Chris,
the file %userprofile%/ARIS71/cid.bin is unique for each installation of an Aris client.
If the directory %userprofile%/ARIS71/ was copied to another machine (do you distribute Aris as a packaged software onto the users' machines?) Aris Business server would recognize them as identical. The "license is already used" may be a sequential error.
What happened after you followed the advice to delete the cid.bin ?
Regards, Martin