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I have a problem in which I have the need to replace Lane objects with Role objects. I have written a report to replace each object, in the same Group & Model. The new object is the same size and placed in the same place as the previous Lane object.

However, when I check the Role object in ARIS explorer, it shows the object has no relationships. Although when I open the model it will update the Role object to include those objects, tasks and subprocesses, that rest inside of it. Although the model must be saved after I have opened it or the relationships will not be saved.

Is there anyway to update the relationships of the Role object without opening the model itself?

by M. Zschuckelt
Posted on Mon, 02/27/2023 - 10:13

Has your script tried to connect the contained Occurrences with

var success = oOrgLaneOcc.addEmbeddedObjOcc(oTaskObjOcc, Symbols.CT_EXEC_2);

Likewise you need to embed the non-Task symbols. I believe the connection type is "belongs to", but please verify that by taking a look at the example of a manually modelled BPMN model.

by Martin Schröder
Badge for 'Contributor' achievement
Posted on Tue, 02/28/2023 - 15:12

Hello Chris,

as an example there is a standard report "Replace object types" in the category Administration (cf. SR 20 Web Help). It works on the whole database and creates f.ex. a new role definition with the appropriate connections defined by your method filter and the same name as the object it replaces.

Lanes of bPMN models and nested object occurrences may not be covered by this script, but it might help to find the right way of replacing the relationships.

Regards, Martin


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