Hey guys,
I'm curious if there is anyone who has figured out a way to automate backing up an ARIS database or anyone has any ideas on how to do it. I tried to write a batch script but once the acc.bat is launched the script doesn't execute the next command.
Dear David,
Instead of ARIS Cloud Controller have you tried to use ARIS Server Administrator?
That tool is installed jointly with ARIS Architect and can be used in batch mode as well as as interactive console (default when started from program group ARIS). In ARIS7 it was called ARIS Admintool.
This sample command runs a backup of all ARIS databases except the system database (path and parameters please adjust accordingly):
C:\ARIS9\tools\ArisAdm\arisadm90.exe -s MyARISserver -t default -u system manager backup all C:\MyARISbackups
The command is backupsystemdb with similar parameters mentioned above.
Just start ARIS Server Administrator via program group ARIS to get it into interactive mode. Then type help to see all commands.
E.g. with the following command line connects you to your ARIS server:
server localhost default system manager
Then you are connected and could e.g. see the connected clients using this command:
Hi David,
I have created a guide on how to create and automate daily backups using a batch file that creates a folder with every day's date so that you can have a history of backups available by date.
You can have a look at my blog here: http://www.blog.bpmutils.com/how-to-automate-aris-database-backups/
The blog covers the setup for both ARIS 7 & 9 :)
I hope it helps
Kind regards,
Actually i am recently using a backup software called as "Cloudbacko pro software" try using it. i am quoite satisfied with its working have a look at the software. you can just simply go on the google and type "Cloudbacko pro software" . its actually free for 30 days . its like a trial period. enjoy
Dear Joanathan,
In case you are on ARIS 10.0 a pure ARIS database isn't a complete backup of all your work. Since a while we recommend to use ARIS Tenant Mangement (web-based user interface) or ARIS Cloud Controller (command line interface) to backup a tenant where ARIS databases are part of, and report scripts, macros, templates, documents, workflows etc.
You can access ARIS Tenant Management on your ARIS Server via https://myaris.domain/tm. And the backup command for a complete tenant via ARIS Cloud Controller is: backup tenant default to "C:/.../tenant_backup_backup.zip"
What gets backed up in the backupsystemdb (user, groups, licenses, priviledges, configuration...)?
I have done a backupsystemdb in one system and restored it into a new one (different servers) and no users were restored.
When restoring to a new server (different name but same version) should one go thru the three steps below or should one skip some of them?
1. import from a previous t-datadump export
2. restoresystemdb
3. restore all
a further question: Does anybody know how to get and evaluate return codes of arisadm72.exe in a batch?
I have done a CMD batch quite similar to Francois' solution and want to delete old DB backups, but only if "arisadm72.exe backup all" terminated successfully.
In interactive mode it occurred sometimes that arisadm72.exe gave error codes but it is not documented.
Thanks for any hint,
My apologies to bump up this OLD thread, But Rune, i seriously need yours OR Francois assistance
I am using Aris 9.7 and i am getting this error on my command line after setting up the variables in the script !!
C:\SoftwareAG\ARIS9.7\server\bin\work\work_abs_m\tools\arisadm>arisadm -l "c:\Ar
is_Backups\2015-11-23\arisbackup.log" -s MDARISDSG:90 -t default -u system manag
er backup all c:\Aris_Backups\2015-11-23
C:\SoftwareAG\ARIS9.7\server\bin\work\work_abs_m\tools\arisadm>if exist "C:\SOFT
WA~1\ARIS9.7\server\bin\work\WORK_A~2\tools\arisadm\..\..\..\..\..\jdk\jre" GOTO
C:\SoftwareAG\ARIS9.7\server\bin\work\work_abs_m\tools\arisadm>SET JAVACMD=C:\SO
C:\SoftwareAG\ARIS9.7\server\bin\work\work_abs_m\tools\arisadm>GOTO :end
.7\server\bin\work\WORK_A~2\tools\arisadm\..\..\..\..\..\jre\bin\java -cp lib/*;
com.aris.modeling.client.arisadm.AArisAdm interactive
use default charset for console(windows-1252;windows-1252)
changed console output to encoding windows-1252
ARIS Server Administrator, Copyright ⌐ 2014 Software AG
No connection<aris>>
The connection STOPS at the last line "No connection<aris>>" and keeps waiting continuously until and unless i press any key and then it repeats something similar again, But nothing gets done, EXCEPT the folder creation for the backup date !!!
Please let me know what is wrong that i am doing !!
Thank you for your time !!
Dear Sayed,
I haven't tried Francois' batch, and I don't have ARIS 9.7 currently installed.
But have you tried to use ARIS Server Administrator as batch, located in C:\SoftwareAG\ARIS9.7\server\bin\work\work_abs_m\tools\arisadm?
And are you sure you have successfully installed ARIS on port 90 since you have used that port number in your example above?
That way you don't necessarily install ARIS Clients on the server just to get ARIS Server Administrator.
Thank you so so very much Rune for your response, I am indebted to you :)
I'll go point vice :-
I reside in GMT "IST:+5.30" and have just arrived form office :(
Hence, I will only be able to apply the solution tomorrow !!!
Secondly, I have seen this file located in my server at :-
!!! BUT, I am not sure how do i use this to fulfill my need !!!
Please let me know if there is a document that describes the process to set it up, PLEASE!!
Thirdly and not the least !!
How do i find out if my server is using PORT 90 or something else,
Where and how do we find that out !!
Thank you for listening to me and Appreciate your response !!!
Thank you once again !!
Well, did you change the default port 80 to 90 during the setup?
Anyway, you can check which port is set via ARIS Cloud Controller: (adjust "_m" to your installation size: _s or _l)
show instance loadbalancer_m And you change it via:
reconfigure loadbalancer_m +HTTPD.port=80 stop loadbalancer_m start loadbalancer_m Cheers Rune
Hello Rune,
Thank you so very much for guiding me to find out port number :)
Yes, I am using Port 80 on my server and this is what i seen when i run "show instance loadbalancer_m" :-
ACC+ localhost>show instance loadbalancer_m
ID: loadbalancer_m state:STARTED type:com.aris.runnables.httpd.httpd-run-prod-97
Configuration parameters:
START command was issued at Nov 16, 2015 4:06:50 PM
Average startup time: 4459msec
Autostart: OFF
Desired state: STARTED
ACC+ localhost>
But, No matter what i do, I still do not get anything going, :(
Hey Rune,
Did i read this correct ???
I guess this is what you are pointing to :-
C:\ARIS9\tools\ArisAdm\arisadm90.exe -s MyARISserver -t default -u system manager backup all C:\MyARISbackups
[ I will have to adjust the path and the parameters]
All i need to do is, run this script on the command line check if it works, and if does, set up the Windows Scheduler and make it run on my desired time !!!
I will run the same tomorrow and will post an update once i get an input !!
Thank you for bearing with me !!!
What I tried to express is, that you could have ARIS Server Administrator twice in your ARIS installation:
- In ARIS Client setup select ARIS Administration Tools to get ARIS Server Administrator in:
- From ARIS Design/Connect Server setup you will get ARIS Server Administrator as batch file in:
C:\SoftwareAG\ARIS9.8\server\bin\work\work_abs_s\tools\arisadm\arisadm.bat (for Linux: arisadm.sh)
On a command line prompt start arisadm.90.exe or arisadm.bat /? to see all commands at a glance.
This tool is described in ARIS Server Installation and Administration Guide in chapter 6.1.4 ARIS Server Administrator (in 9.7 chapter 5.1.4).
Hello Rune,
I have just run this batch file on my server and i get this output :-
C:\SoftwareAG\ARIS9.7\server\bin\work\work_abs_m\tools\arisadm>arisadm.bat /?
C:\SoftwareAG\ARIS9.7\server\bin\work\work_abs_m\tools\arisadm>if exist "C:\SOFT
WA~1\ARIS9.7\server\bin\work\WORK_A~2\tools\arisadm\..\..\..\..\..\jdk\jre" GOTO
C:\SoftwareAG\ARIS9.7\server\bin\work\work_abs_m\tools\arisadm>SET JAVACMD=C:\SO
C:\SoftwareAG\ARIS9.7\server\bin\work\work_abs_m\tools\arisadm>GOTO :end
.7\server\bin\work\WORK_A~2\tools\arisadm\..\..\..\..\..\jre\bin\java -cp lib/*;
com.aris.modeling.client.arisadm.AArisAdm interactive
use default charset for console(windows-1252;windows-1252)
changed console output to encoding windows-1252
ARIS Server Administrator, Copyright ⌐ 2014 Software AG
No connection<aris>>
When i issue this command that you have provided at the start of this page, I get to see this on screen :-
C:\SoftwareAG\ARIS9.7\server\bin\work\work_abs_m\tools\arisadm>arisadm -s MDARISDSG -t default -u system manager backup all C:\MyARISbackups
C:\SoftwareAG\ARIS9.7\server\bin\work\work_abs_m\tools\arisadm>if exist "C:\SOFT
WA~1\ARIS9.7\server\bin\work\WORK_A~2\tools\arisadm\..\..\..\..\..\jdk\jre" GOTO
C:\SoftwareAG\ARIS9.7\server\bin\work\work_abs_m\tools\arisadm>SET JAVACMD=C:\SO
C:\SoftwareAG\ARIS9.7\server\bin\work\work_abs_m\tools\arisadm>GOTO :end
.7\server\bin\work\WORK_A~2\tools\arisadm\..\..\..\..\..\jre\bin\java -cp lib/*;
com.aris.modeling.client.arisadm.AArisAdm interactive
use default charset for console(windows-1252;windows-1252)
changed console output to encoding windows-1252
ARIS Server Administrator, Copyright ⌐ 2014 Software AG
I am totally confused now :(
Please assist !!!
Thank you!!
Hi Team,
Recently we migrated ARIS in window to linux platform. as of now we are facing some issues to crate schulde scripts for ARISTenantBackup in linux.while execting this shell scripts backupzip file will not able create under desire location.
shell script::
# cat tenbck.sh
echo "sending output to tenbcktest.log"
date "+%Y%m%d %T" >> /hosting/arisupdate/tenbcktest.log
/usr/bin/acc.sh -n /hosting/arisupdate/node.tp -c /hosting/arisupdate/generated.apptypes.cfg -f /hosting/arisupdate/commandfile.txt >> /hosting/arisupdate/tenbcktest.log
echo "sent output to tenbcktest.log"
# cat /hosting/arisupdate/commandfile.txt
backup tenant default to /hosting/arisupdate/backup username=system password=#####
problem is tentant backup file is not updating /hosting/arisupdate/backup directory.
please help on this case.
Dear Rajesh,
as the discussion thread above is almost 2 years old, not many people will be able to see/read your question. I suggest to create a new post with your question.
However, typically we can't discuss here on such a technical detail level, in particular when customized scripts and the like are in use. For such matter I suggest to open a support ticket on Software AG's customer portal Empower.
Only that much here: If ACC doesn't end up with your expected result, then have a look in its log file and the log files of the runnables which should provide backup content. use collectLogFiles.bat to zip all log files and provide them attached to your support ticket.
I can share my solution:
- the first script makes the backup.
- the second script rename all made files (by current date) and move them all to the target folder.
- then I tune my Windows's Task Scheduler and have happy!
1. Body of the first script:
@echo off
REM ******************
REM *** Variables ***
REM ******************
Rem *** Backup directory for ARIS databases
SET BACKUPDIR=<use your path to folder, for example \\server\Backup\arisbackup>
Rem *** Directory with ARIS Installation
SET ARISDIR=<use your path to ARIS>
REM *** SITEADMIN password
SET SITEADMIN=<use your password>
REM *** DBADMIN password
SET DBADMIN=<use your password>
REM *** CFGADMIN password
SET CFGADMIN=<use your password>
REM ***************
REM *** ACTION ***
REM ***************
REM *** Delete old backup directory with subdirectories ***
del /S /Q %BACKUPDIR% >%BACKUPDIR%\delete.log
REM *** Change into ARIS directory ***
REM ***
REM *** Change to drive
REM *** Do an export of all databases into the BACKUPDIR ***
arisadm70 -l %BACKUPDIR%\arisbackup.log -s localhost -pa %SITEADMIN% -p %DBADMIN% backup all %BACKUPDIR%
REM *** Do an export of the config database into the BACKUPDIR ***
arisadm70 -l %BACKUPDIR%\arisbackup2.log -s localhost -pa %SITEADMIN% -pc %CFGADMIN% backupconfig %BACKUPDIR%
REM *** Cleanup environment ***
REM *** Now the standard backup software can backup *.adb, *.acb files in BACKUPDIR ***
2. Body of the second script:
@echo off
set dd=%DATE:~0,2%
set mm=%DATE:~3,2%
set yyyy=%DATE:~6,4%
set curdate=%dd%-%mm%-%yyyy%
set curdatetime=%curdate% %curtime%
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b \\server\Backup\arisbackup\*.*') do ren \\server\Backup\arisbackup\%%a %curdate%-%%a
set source1=\\server\Backup\arisbackup
set dest1=\\server\Backup\backup_forever
dir %source1% /a-d /b&&move /y %source1%\*.* %dest1%
P.S. You can make it better, but it (my scripts) works!
Thanks for sharing, Yuri. However, you seem to be still on ARIS 7. this discussion above was about ARIS 9.
So your backup script won't work without changes for ARIS 9 or ARIS 10 due to a complete architecture of those successor products. The good point is that we still have arisadm, the command line tool to run administrative tasks on the ARIS backend. It's nowadays called ARIS Server Administrator., and exists as command line tool (EXE) being part of the ARIS Client, and it comes as batch script (BAT) as part of the ARIS Server.