
I see from a few posts way back that some have tried this through various different guises - but ....

We are attempting to implement an auto incrementing ID for the models/objects etc. This is a number that never changes ( similar to GUID ), but rather than give out the GUID to other business users, a simple number - without logic - that can be used as a "birth certificate - number". Even if it moves around the hierarchy, the number never changes.

I see that by placing a tick in the "Assigning Identifiers when creating new database items" under the DB properties this actually turns on the functionality that is needed, however I need to be able to set the starting point of the Identifier that is used. 

Is this something that can be achieved with SetSequenceNumber(num) ? 

If so, has anyone ever tried it, and succeeded?

If not, can I access the RDBMS to increment this identity?

Any thoughts, anyone, please ..... ?


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