I am creating a dashboard which will be added as fact sheet tab in ARIS Connect. The idea is to show data on the dashboard based on the model in which it is open.

To do this I've created a query which, generated dashboard from it and added in data feed. Then I configured dashboard first for constant values. After configuring the dashboard I'm again updating the data feed parameter StartItemID to Aris Parameter "ARIS.Selection GUID" but I get an error on the dashboard as "Start Item not assigned".

How can I make my dashboard show result based on the model selected?



by Michael Hubbard
Posted on Thu, 06/27/2024 - 00:53

I was looking at exactly the same thing and got the same error as you and I was thinking "well where does the dashboard actually get the context from". So, I did some more searching around on the web.

Here is a link to a Software AG Online Dashboard Basics course. Software AG LP: ARIS Dashboard Basic  

In that course there is a section that talks about Dashboard Context Sensitivity and how to make use of it. You actually end up having to change the "Configuration Set" to use the Dashboard in "context" of say when you open a published view of a Model and others.

I am not going to try and repeat the steps in this response as I think the course does a good job of showing how it is done.

I am sure this will help you.



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