Hello, i want to find out, whether my EPC-Diagram has as a value added chain diagram as a Superior-Object?
//objectList=Array of ObjDef[] //currentModel=EPC-Diagram //method returns all Superior-Objects oObjectList = oCurrentModel.SuperiorObjDefs();
is there any useful method?
thank you :)
Hi Patrick,
I hope I understand your question correct :-).
var oObjectList = oCurrentModel.SuperiorObjDefs(); for(var i=0; i<oObjectList.length; i++){ var oOccList = oObjectList[i].OccList(); //OccList for(var j=0; j<oOccList.length; j++){ var oOccModel = oOccList[j].Model(); if(oOccModel.TypeNum()==Constants.MT_VAL_ADD_CHN_DGM) //.....EPC-Diagram has as a value added chain diagram as a Superior-Object } }
Will this find truly 'superior' models or only those with assignments?
I do not like ARIS behavior of identifying all models with objects assigned to a model as 'superior'. If they are on the same process level then they are not 'superior' but rather 'paralell'.