Profile picture for user dhdillon

My organization has region codes which we use in everyday discussions, there is a history behind the region codes which has a numeric structure.  I need to sort my text based region codes according to their historic numeric indicator.

Region       number

RNA            1

RLA              2

REU              3

and so on.  I built an excel which holds this relationship but I cannot see how to sort the output.  I need columns in my bar graphs sorted this way, rows in my tables should be in this order, etc, etc.

Any suggestions?




by Stephan Freudl
Posted on Tue, 08/30/2011 - 08:30

Hi Donald,

rules for sorting are specified in MashZone composer when you asign a data feed column to a chart's axis. MashZone enables you to sort ascending, descending and do no sorting at all.

For you, I assume, no sorting was preferable. The chart is rendered based on the order in which the data feed rows occur.




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