Hello everyone!
I am trying to add a role inside a FAD (function allocation diagram).
So, I have n internal persons with the names "x1", "...", "xn" and I want to create a role with the name "x1 ... xn" and connect it to the function - using a script.
This is my piece of code:
for (i = 0; i < foldersList.length; i++){
group = foldersList[i];
modelList = group.ModelList(true);
for(j = 0; j < modelList.length; j++){
if( (modelList[j].BuildGraph(true)==true) && (modelList[j].Type() == 'Function allocation diagram')){
object = modelList[j].ObjDefListBySymbols(internalPerson); // internalPerson = [Constants.ST_PERS_INT];
// Found an internal person
Does anyone know how can I create the roles and connect them to the function ?