Profile picture for user dnlaxr

Hello people...

I started using the ARIS Business Publisher recently and have some questions about the tool. Please can you help me?

After the publish the database from ARIS Business Architect to ARIS Business Publisher some connections of objects aren't viewed in the models. Why?

In Aris Designer the connections are viewed normally.

Is there possibility to update the database published automatically?

Thanks very much.



by Andre Sales
Posted on Mon, 07/23/2012 - 22:49

Hello Daniel,

Try to make a "filter compare" beetwen your Architect and Publisher export. Problably is that.



Andre Sales

by David Tse
Posted on Mon, 07/23/2012 - 22:50

I've noticed that sometimes objects or lines don't appear properly in publisher and I am not sure why.

The following snippet of code shows you how you can update the published database.


var oBusinessPublisher=Context.getComponent("BusinessPublisher");
oBusinessPublisher.updateExport(ArisData.getActiveDatabase(), bpServer, NAMEOFTHEPUBLISHEDDB);
by Daniel Rocha Author
Posted on Tue, 07/24/2012 - 02:48


Thanks for informations !   I'm utilizing the same filter ...   I'll try to discover the error and post the information here   Regards
by Anita Halse
Posted on Tue, 07/24/2012 - 04:31

Hi Daniel,


Have you tried publishing with the Entire Method?


Kind regards,


by Manu Sharma
Posted on Tue, 07/24/2012 - 18:49

Here is what has worked for me in the past. it is cumbersome but it worked.

Step 1. Go to the process models in Business Designer and delete the links which are currently not displayed in Publisher.

Recreate those links and save the process model and log-out

Step2.  login into the Business Architect. Use Administration Module; go to Your Database Server>>Publish>>Publisher Server>>Server

Then select the Relevant Export from the list in Exports Tab displayed on right.

Once you select the particular export the "Update" button will get enabled; use it to update the export.

Step3. Relog-in into the publisher and you should be able to see the links now.


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