Dear all,
I downloaded ARIS 2.3, but couldn't integrate it on the desktop. It also doesn't show on the Programs list.
However, in the Java Cache Viewer it is listed as application and I can start it, but not integrate it on the desktop.
Once started it doesn't accept the available standard diagrams as valid adf files.
I can create a process diagram and save it locally as an adf file, but when I restart the system claims that it is not a valid adf file.
Does anyone know what the problem could be ?
Hi Denys,
please look here:
A context menu onto the application in the Java Cache viewer does the trick.
Hi Frank,
thank you for your fast response. UNfortunately this is exactly which does not work.
Within the cache viewer ARIS 2.3 is listed and I can start it from here, but when I try to creat a shortcut it tells me that this is not possible.
So the only way I have to start ARIS at the moment is from the cache viewer. But then when ARIS is up it does not recognize adf files I created before.
Any other ideas that could help ?