Right now we have multiple ARIS databases created and we are looking to consolidate all the databases into a single database. The way we are looking to do this is by exporting all the content and importing the content into the consolidated database.

We export the file and there is no issue. We get all the models, attributes, objects etc. However when we import the file it changes all the last_user and creator attribute to the user who imported the file (in my case, system). The other attributes load perfectly fine. When I look at the XML file there is no issue.

Anyone know how I can resolve this issue?

XML File:


<AttrDef AttrDef.Type="AT_LUSER"> <AttrValue LocaleId="&LocaleId.USen;"> <StyledElement> <Paragraph Alignment="UNDEFINED" Indent="0"/> <StyledElement> <PlainText TextValue="robray"/> </StyledElement> </StyledElement> </AttrValue> </AttrDef>   Import:  
by David Tse Author
Posted on Wed, 10/17/2012 - 16:24

To provide a bit more information, we are on ARIS 7.1

by Francois Du Toit
Posted on Thu, 10/18/2012 - 07:44

Hi David,

Have you tried using the Merge functionality instead of the XML import/export?



by David Tse Author
Posted on Thu, 10/18/2012 - 20:27

Merge works. However, if I was transfering from one ARIS instance to another using export / import, it wouldn't work.




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