We are using ARIS 7.1 release SR 2010_09.
We are trying to use the Test Scenario functionality with Solution Manager. We are following the steps described in the help:
- We created an Implementation project in Solman, empty, and the transferred it to ARIS
- In ARIS we have ticke the Test Design option and then new Test Design BAR is on the left.
- We have created a test object and tied to the Solution Manager Test project we created.
- Then, we opened in the navigation bar the Implementation project and position in the Scenarios functions (ligth blue).
- Now, in this step we try tranfer the objet from the original implementation project (drag and drop) into the test object. However, we found that we cannot do it, we got the forbidden sign, and then we cannot continue.
- We are using a new database, with Entire Method, with user system with full authorization.
Any idea why it is not working?
Hi Esteban,
If I understand you correctly, you have already created successfully a Test Designer project wich is linked to your SolMan implementation project.
How do you drag and drop the objects into the Test Designer project, usually you should use the right mouse button and while dropping the object a sub menu will open and you can paste it with or w/o assignements.
Are you using already and successfully synchronized objects?
Otherwise, could you please describe in detail which kind of error message do you get?
just follow these steps:
1) Create a new implementation project in SolMan using solar_project_admin
2) Create a new test project in ABA4SAP with the help of the wizard (must be a Solution Manager test project)
Remark: Install the latest SAP Solution Manager transports for ARIS for SAP communication on the SolMan