I'm familiar with the EPC sync to SAP Solution Manager and I wonder if it's possible also to synchronize BPMN processes (taking into consideration of course the 3 level limitation of SOLMAN)
I'm familiar with the EPC sync to SAP Solution Manager and I wonder if it's possible also to synchronize BPMN processes (taking into consideration of course the 3 level limitation of SOLMAN)
Dear Eli,
ARIS 9.0 can sychronize also BPMN with SAP Solution Manager:
For more details watch the on-demand webinar:
Your SAP processes can do more! The new functionalities in the upcoming ARIS 9 release will even better support best-in-class SAP solutions. Enterprises need to make sure their corporate strategy and business processes are reflected properly in their SAP solution. Get a sneak preview of the upcoming functionalities!
Hi Rune,
I would be interested a little bit more in the details, how the leveling concept is implemented in ARIS 9, is BPMN just the alternative to EPC and the rest stays the same?
Is there a how-to for the implementation of ARIS 9 SolMan Synchronization?
Best regards
Dear Tobias,
Please repost your question to open up discussion to everyone on the ARIS BPM Community. I am not a dedicated SAP expert. So I recommend to get response from the community members.