Dear Aris-Community,

I have risk objects defined in various BPMN models, so I am using the finder from the root folder to get all these risks.

I would like to know if I can export them (with all their relations) as metadata for their exploitation on other platforms.


by M. Zschuckelt
Posted on Fri, 06/28/2024 - 17:59

You have several options:

  1. you could copy&paste the result list from the find operation to MS Excel.
    1. disadvantage: no influence on the attributes you can export, no real identity of the object, unless "Identifier" attribute is maintained
  2. you could build a query with a query path "Database -> Risk -> <interesting connection type> -> <interesting object type risk refers to>". Output the result to a spreadsheet result and add interesting attributes. Execute the query any time you need it. If you like, export the result as Excel file. Alternatively have someone write a report for you (requires coding skills) in order to output in any format you specify for your coder.
  3. collect and maintain your risks in dedicated models, building a library under supervision of the risk manager. Get to know use-cases of risk & compliance management component in ARIS.
by Michael Hubbard
Posted on Fri, 06/28/2024 - 22:05

You can also use the Report "Output Object Information (for MashZone)" or "Output Object Information (table)".

In your Find list just select ALL the (Risk) Objects and start the Report as it should be part of the "Standard" reports.

I output to an XLSX file and then you have your Meta Data that you are looking for I believe.


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