
ARIS Connect version:
There are two servers:
1) Application server;
2) Database server.
I need to install (1) ARIS Connect Server on the application server.
Postgresql 13 is already installed on the database server (2) (database, schemas and users have not been created).
Both servers (1) and (2) are running Linux.
I plan to install ARIS Connect Server remotely with the "Standard" parameter from a computer running Windows.
(A separate database server is needed, because there are too many users, it is not recommended to use a standard database with a large number of users)
Make a backup from standard Postgresql.
Restore data on server 2 (which also has Postgresql installed) from the created backup.
Then reassign the ARIS connection settings to the new database using the "update external service db0000000000" command.

Please tell me how I can make a backup copy from the standard Postgresql database, load it into an empty DBMS (on server 2) and reassign the ARIS connection settings to the database.

by Martin Schröder
Badge for 'Contributor' achievement
Posted on Thu, 06/15/2023 - 16:20

Hello Yuriy

with Aris Connect you can use Oracle or MS SQL Server as an external DBMS. You should ask SAG support for PostgreSQL as it is not mentioned in the ARIS sytem requirements doc. So for Aris with PostgreSQL as an external db service there is no guidance on

  • how to create the db user/schemes/tablespaces for master and default tenants (in contrast to the ready made dbscripts for Oracle/MS-SQL in the Aris installation package)
  • which JDBC driver is supported
  • how to configure the connect string/JDBC-URL

I have switched from standard db to Oracle years ago on Aris 10.0.7 and got a guideline doc "Switch ARIS 9/10 installation to external DBMS" from SAG support. The general steps are:

  1. Create schemas on the Oracle/MSSQL DBMS using the Oracle/MSSQL scripts provided on the ARIS DVD
  2. backup tenant default (and others with content, except master) with Cloud Controller ACC
  3. assuming you are using the same ARIS application server while switching the DBMS you need to deconfigure the postgres runnable
  4. Enhance (ACC command) several runnables with the Oracle/MSSQL jdbc driver
  5. Register the external service db service via ACC
  6. Set the new db schema names for all tenants (master, default etc.)
  7. Restart Aris service and runnables
  8. restore tenant default from your previous tenant backup file

Regards, Martin

by Yuriy Stolyarov Author
Posted on Fri, 06/16/2023 - 11:49

Hello Martin

Thank you very much for your help!

Now I'm trying to install standard installation from remote computer (on Windows) to computer on Linux.

If I can to reassign the connection from the built-in DBMS (Postgresql) to an external DBMS (Postgresql), then I will write about it here.


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