Merry Christmas, dear ARIS community.

Well, Christmas time is coming, and we thought the time is right to give you a little gift.

So, at least, if you use ARIS Express and run unix/linux, here is good news for you.

Due to the following reasons, we decided to do an update of the webstart version of ARIS Express (the Windows version is not affected)

1.) security restrictions due to a new JRE

The upcoming versions of the JRE require some settings for the application, otherwise, Express would not start. The update for ARIS Express considers these settings, so you are not bothered by this dialog.

2.) download at every startup

Right now, every time you start Express, it is downloaded.

This won't happen with the webstart update of Express. It is also possible to be started again if you do not have an internet connection.

3.) error during opening a model

If you start Express and want to open an existing model, an error occurs currently:

In the console, an error message is shown currently

There is a workaround for that (create a new model, close it, that's all), but in the next version, this should not be necessary.

Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
	at com.sun.jnlp.JNLPClassLoader.getPermissions(Unknown Source)


Release date is planned for next month, or at least, before the new JRE is released, which forced this update.

Please consider that there are no additional functional changes in Express itself.



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